Friday, 29 October 2010

A pretty weird country

Italy is a pretty weird country.
A normal citizen has to work for 40 years in order to – hopefully – get a pension at some point in his life.
A MP gets this after 5 years of service. There are even those who have been MPs for a day and get a pension of more than 3.000 Euros a month.

This is just one of the many things that differentiate us from what is now widely considered as a “caste” of politicians.
Politicians have evolved from representatives of the people into some kind of modern nobility.  
They live ignoring laws, protected by an immunity that applies to virtually every crime, from corruption to mafia crimes. And this is often not enough, as they change laws in order not to be persecuted.

 Their “reign” is based upon the indifference of the Italians – ready to worry about a football match, but too ignorant and superficial to analyze the decisions of our government. Those who try to protest – as in the case of the MP Antonio Borghesi – are ignored or denigrated by many of those TV channels and newspapers owned by our Prime Minister.

We haven’t been a democratic country for years, so much so that we can’t decide our own candidates – parties do this for us. And we don’t even understand what this means.
We are going through a new fascism. Less violent, for the time being. But with the same roots and the same ends: deny the rights of the majority in order to defend the interests of the lucky few.   

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Fuck you

This song by Lily Allen is, first of all, a moral declaration.
This “fuck you” is for all those who discriminate against homosexuals (so much so that it’s almost become an anthem against sexual discrimination)
 But it also applies to all the bigots and racists around us.
We are tired of listening to your narrow-minded views. We’ve had enough of the hatred and fear that you spread like a mental plague.
Fuck you!
In the world we’ll build there is no space for you!