Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Here is an intervention by Davide Bono which I can totally subscribe to.

“Many call themselves anti-fascists and never anti-communists, forgetting the horrors caused by communist ideology. Well, I’m against all dictatorship and wars, I’m for the common good and I’m against the private interests of the lobbies, against clerical power, freemasons, and politicians that are marionettes. I’m for meritocracy, a controlled private property (since a build-up leads to power) and freedom. And if D’Alema, Bersani, and Bresso define themselves as anti-fascists, this doesn’t mean much to me. They defend freedom and the self-realization of the citizens, yet in these years their silent complicity has led to the creation of a Regime in disguise, masked as a source of entertainment.

We see this in our precarious jobs (now more than ever), and in our lives. Much like in the Ventennio the enemy managed to infiltrate in our houses, but this time he’s not bearing arms nor wearing a uniform; the breeding grounds of the civil war haven’t been completely erased, they have been kept alive by those who still pretend not to see and not to know…”.  

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