Saturday, 11 September 2010

History repeats itself

Between 1923 and 1924 Matteotti’s charges against Mussolini’s systematic use of laws by decree, against his attempts to limit freedom of the press, and against the fake economic stats produced by the government’s propaganda, were constantly echoing in Montecitorio.
Reading these words in an excellent article by Sergio Luzzato (Il Sole 24 Ore) opens the ground for some reflections.
A fil rouge links the two Italian Ventenni. Only few still can’t see the parallelisms, how the dark shadow of Fascism covers the glittering yet glossy colours of Berlusconismo.
Back then the driving force behind the strength of our Benito was an alliance between the bourgeoisie and the landowners against the peasants. Today the deal is even wickeder, but we have to wait for the upcoming decrees before writing such a thing on the history books (if the “short trial” and the “law on wiretaps” will allow us to do this).
As many criminals turned informants have confirmed, this time entrepreneurs and industrialists have even reached an agreement with the Mafia. This has been done in order to sabotage our democratic and anti-fascist constitution, and to turn the citizens into subjects.
On the 10th of June 1924 Matteotti was assassinated by Mussolini’s hatchet men. But we’ve also had our state crimes in the recent years. I’m referring, for example, to the judges Falcone and Borsellino. They fought for us, yet we haven’t been able to put our frail Republic on track towards Democracy.

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