I must say that I always found the idea of a God being the easy explanation for everything rather banal. If, once upon a time, this being was the creator of life, of the earth and of the sky, with the coming of Darwin and Galileo his power has kept on shrinking. Now we know that life is a natural process and that it’s gravity “holding the starts in the sky”. Ever since Hubble affirmed that the universe had been originated by the famous Big Bang, God’s contribution has been reduced to that spark before the explosion. From unmoving mover God had become the spark that had led to the creation of matter. Still, not exactly peanuts.
Now, however, the Theory on which Hawking’s research is based seems to destroy this “divine lighter”. The creation of the first particles, those created the universe, is “just an inevitable consequence of physics’ laws”. The Big Bang isn’t a beginning anymore, but rather just a phase of the process that led to the creation of matter.
Explaining the M-Theory, the theory that uncovers the same nature of the universe we live in, is clearly not easy. Therefore, it will be easy (for example it’s possible to read the article published on La Stampa on the 3rd of September) to hear theologians defend the idea of a beginning that is still “unexplainable” and a God that is still playing a leading role.
We need scientists like Hawking to prove wrong these minstrels of ignorance. Divulgating scientific truth, always based on empirical and mathematical demonstrations, they will be able to erase those abstract dogmas with no logic basis that still empower some modern-day shamans.
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